Natural Honey “White Highland” Favorites Collection Berestov 1.1 lb
Highland honey collected in the Altai, is the most environmentally friendly and useful for human health, since the concentration of active elements and minerals here are more pronounced. Honey is collected from wild plants in an ecologically clean area, about 2000 meters above sea level, with a certain microclimate.
This honey is filled with the aromas of fragrant herbs. The taste is sweet with a gentle astringency, leaving a light aftertaste. In the Altai mountains, a large number of different flowers grow, which makes the taste of honey unique from time to time.
Honey collection region: Charyshsky, Ust-Kansky, Soloneshensky districts of the Altai Territory
Dominant varieties of honey plants: high-altitude mixed grass (may be present: mountain cornflower, sainfoin, hawthorn, thyme, clover, cherry, oregano and other valuable honey plants)
Color: pale yellow, almost white
Consistency: delicate creamy