Fried Sprats in Tomato Sauce | Brivais, 8.47oz
Sprats, tomato sauce, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, onion, spices
Sprat Brivais Vilnius Riga fried in tomato sauce, 240g.
Traditions of quality since 1949.
Sprat in tomato sauce can be an excellent ingredient for a variety of dishes.
Sprat in tomato is canned fish, which is an excellent source of protein and healthy fats. Here are a few ways you can use sprat in tomato sauce:
Salad. You can add sprat to tomato sauce to a salad of fresh vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and herbs. This will add flavor and nutrition to your dish.
Snack. You can use sprat as a snack by simply slicing it into pieces and serving it with bread or crackers.
Soups. You can add sprat in tomato sauce to soups to add flavor and texture.
Pasta. If you like pasta, you can add sprat to the pasta sauce to add flavor and nutrients.
Pie. You can bake a sprat pie in tomato sauce, which will be a great dessert.
Roast. You can also use sprat to cook a roast by adding it to vegetables and meat.
Fish. Sprat can also be used as an ingredient for cooking fish. For example, you can bake sprat in the oven or fry in a frying pan.